About Me

Hey everyone!  I wanted to take the time to further introduce myself and give you a little more information about me and why I wanted to be a teacher.  I was born and raised in Lewisburg, WV.  I was blessed with two wonderful parents and four amazing sisters.  My parents raised me to keep God first, and I still live according to this belief.  I have been blessed to have family members who have been supportive and encouraging throughout my entire life. 

I grew up wanting to be a Pediatrician because I loved science and working with kids.  However, whenever I got into college I realized that there was something missing.  I wanted to work on a more personal level with kids.  I wanted to inspire.....I wanted to teach.  I wanted to make a difference in the lives of the kids that I worked with.  I knew that everything I wanted to achieve could be done within the classroom.  After much deliberation, I decided to change my major and take an education class.  As soon as I walked into my first education class I knew that I had made the right decision. I felt like I was at home.  During my first classroom placement, I observed under a highly knowledgeable teacher and she helped gear me into a positive teaching direction.  To this day, I can still remember the feeling I felt working with the kids.  I felt like this is where God wanted me to be all along.   

I believe that teaching is a great profession.  I applaud teachers for the hard work and dedication that they put into ensuring that the lives of the children they work with is meaningful.  Every day while I am at work I observe my colleagues working diligently to teach young minds.  Additionally, I see the endless hours that they put in after school to prepare lesson plans and materials.  Many people believe teachers are a free babysitting service.  However, I would challenge anyone to step into the lives of a teacher for a day and see the amount of work that it really takes. 

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William A. Ward