Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekly Update

We had such a great time this past week!  Monday was our Wacky Tacky Fun Day, and the students had so much fun on their scavenger hunt.  Please take the time to look at the pictures posted under the classroom photos tab.  I want to thank all the parents who came out to help chaperone.  This scavenger hunt would not have been possible without your help!  I would especially like to thank our classroom mom, Becky, for organizing and planning this day.  You were such a big help! J  
This week is going to be another busy week.  On Wednesday, a park ranger will be visiting our school to give a special presentation to our class.  On Thursday, the students will be going to the Chuck Mathena Center to watch “Soul Street” perform.  The cost is $5.00, and I still have not received a few permission forms!  If your child does not turn in a permission form they will not be able to go.  Please get that in to me ASAP!  Also, there is no school on Friday, so the spelling and reading test will both be given on Thursday.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns you may call or e-mail me!
I hope that everyone has had a great weekend.  I look forward to spending another great week with your child! 


  1. I am so proud of you guys! That scavenger hunt was awesome! :)

  2. I love Ms. Keys! :)
