Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Update


Can you believe all the snow we got?  I hope that the students got the opportunity to play in it, as well as complete one (or two) of the snow packet activities. 

As you are aware, I sent midterm grades home on Thursday, and I will need to have them signed and returned as soon as possible.  I also sent home a parent letter (see blog post below) and a weekly organizational calendar.  The students are not required to fill out the calendar, but I created it in hopes that it would help with their organizational skills.  I know that they stay very busy, so I wanted to help them in their efforts to balance extracurricular activities and their academics.  I will distribute new calendars at the beginning of each week for any of the students that would like them.

I have posted new pictures under the classroom photos tab that I think you will enjoy.  Make sure you check them out! 

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