Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Note From The Teacher: Parent Update

The first two weeks have been all about getting the kids into a routine.  Once again the students will be switching classes, so I have been working with them on organizational skills and techniques.  Many of them are doing great with keeping up with assignments, but there are a few that are still having trouble keeping their notebooks and folders organized.  I believe that between me and you we can help get some of the organizational kinks out of their systems.

For the past two weeks, the students have been working on the different parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, interjection, and preposition), and the different types of sentences (interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, and declarative).  I spent this weekend grading their assignments and test and I was impressed with many of the scores.  However, as mentioned before it is important that we work together to teach study habits and skills.  Lastly, as of right now the students will more than likely have a spelling test every Friday.  We will spend time reviewing in class, but spending at least 10 minutes at home each night will also aid in their success on the test.

I look forward to a great school year working with you and your children!


  1. Hey Ms.Keys whats up?

  2. mrs.keys i love bloging.I`m glad you created this site.You are awsome!:)

  3. Hey Eternity! I am happy that you decided to visit the blog! You guys are going to really enjoy blogging once I get a class dicussion board posted! :)

  4. Hey Stephanie! I am thrilled that you love blogging! We are going to be able to use our classroom blog for so many different technology activities! This is just the beginning!! :)

  5. can`t wait to see you tomarow!:)
    see you,

  6. hey ms.keys its me madison do you like the turtles names

  7. sweet!I love working on the computer!!!:)your still awsome!

  8. Hey Madison! I am excited you have decided to join us on the blog! I LOVE the turtle names! They are such a GREAT addition to our class! Thank you for your help today! :)

  9. Hey Stephanie! I love working on the computer, too! You guys are an awesome class! :)

  10. Steph says that you are a great teacher and she has already learned a bunch in you classroom. Thank you for that and all that you do to help our children learn.

  11. Hey Steph's Mom! :) I am so happy that Stephanie is enjoying my class! She is a great student, and I enjoy working with her! The kids did a video presentations of different states in their regions and I am still trying to upload the videos! :)

  12. Hey ms. Keys you should take pictures of everybodys region posters and put it on the blog if you can't get the videos to go on the blog:)

  13. Hey Shelby! Thanks for the suggestion of taking pictures of everyone with their posters! Make sure you go and look at the pictures! :)

  14. mrs.keys can I bring tadpoles since they have animal cells


  15. Hey Stephanie! I have had a couple of people ask me about bringing in animals! We will discuss this tomorrow during our class discussion/share time! Please remind me! :)

  16. hey ms keys whats up im having a good time by
