Monday, January 2, 2012

Digital Imaging Project


I do not know if your child has told you or not about our digital imaging project that we are doing as part of a social studies unit, but I wanted to update you.  As part of a technology requirement for our Technology Integration Specialist, she has asked to use my class to complete this digital imaging project.  

This project is a technology and social studies lesson that will allow the students to learn different technology and social studies skills.  One of these skills includes the students characterizing and modeling good citizenship by building social networks of reciprocity and trustworthiness. 

The final product for this project will be a photostory that will instruct upcoming fifth grade students on things they need to know on move-up day.  So far, the students have successfully taken their pictures and saved them to a folder on their assigned computer.  

I plan to gather as many grades as possible from this project.  They have been working extremely hard, and I will be excited for them to share their final products with you.  If you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact me! 


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