Sunday, October 23, 2011

We Need Photos!

Parents!  This letter below is from one of the parents in the class.  On Monday, October 31, 2011 the students will be participating in Wacky Tacky Fun Day, and we need photos from you in order to make one of our activities a success.  A letter will be sent home this week with your kids. 

Dear Parents,
We are putting together a picture slideshow for the kids to watch after the scavenger hunt on October 31st.  I would like to have as many pictures of all the kids as possible, so if you can send me pictures to add to the show I’m sure your child would love seeing himself/herself up on the big screen.  It can be anything from school activities to sports they play or whatever you choose.  Ms. Keys has some photos from class, but we would like for each child to have individual pictures as well.  Please only send digital photos, I won’t be able to get hard copy photos scanned in time.  Either burn them to a disk and send to school with your child, or you can e-mail them to me at by Thursday October 27th.
Thank you,
Amy W.


  1. we missed you the past 2 days and we cant wait untill WAKY TAKY DAY!!!!!

  2. hey ms keys we cant wait till wacky tacky day...

  3. i think wacky tacky is going to be fun i cant wait to wear my costume oh and i miss you ms keys

  4. Hey girls!

    I missed you guys, too! I cannot wait to see you all tomorrow! Tomorrow is going to be a GREAT DAY!!! :)

  5. Ms keys i wont be at school monday :( i have a dentist appt in beckley to see if i need braces i forgot to tell you today I will see you Tuesday hopefully!!!!
