Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Parent Update- Another Exciting Week :)

Hey Parents!  We are off to another exciting week!  First, I was to start off by thanking you for signing and returning midterms and permission forms in a timely manner.  It sure does make it easier for me to know that I have important paperwork back.  Second, I want to touch base with you about our field trip on Thursday.  I mentioned on the permission forms to make sure that the students pack a lunch.  However, I failed to remind you to make sure that they wear comfortable shoes and clothes.  I would suggest tennis shoes, jeans, and a light jacket.  If there are any questions regarding the field trip you can always call me or e-mail me at bkeys@access.k12.wv.  You can also always write a message in your child's assignment journal because I check those every morning for a parent signature. 
If you have looked under the grammar and spelling tab you will notice that there is not a grammar skill or a list of spelling words for this week.  Since there is no school today or Friday and because we are going on a field trip on Thursday, I decided it would be in the best interest of the students if I focused our attention on another skill.  With that being said, this week we will be working on writing free verse and rhyming poems.  I plan to have the students post their poems as soon as they finish writing them.
Last week the students got the opportunity to share our classroom pets with one of the Pre-K classes at Hinton Area.  I was so impressed with their ability to communicate with the little ones.  They were excellent role models and very patient and kind.  They taught the Pre-k students the proper way to care for and handle the turtles.  They also explained how to clean and feed the turtles, and they even explained the physical features of the turtles.  I am honest when I say that they did an EXCELLENT JOB!!  Once we finished explaining about the turtles, the Pre-K teacher let us hold their classroom pets.  Make sure you look under the classroom photos tab to see those pictures!  
I know that I have said this before, but it is truly a blessing to work with such respectable and well-mannered kids.  As parents, you should be very proud.  :)    

Krystina and Stephanie showing the kids our pet turtles!

Chris showing the students how our turtles bask in the tank :)

Camden, Chanah, and Nate visiting with Harriet (The Pre-K Guinea Pig)! 

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